Recently, the share of the jewelry market has gradually focused on the segment of free completely fake diamonds. These gemstones made from the lab are a better option for sustainable and ethical sources and sometimes cheaper than mined diamonds. In this article I will be stating the definition, advantages, how to purchase and the future of Loose Synthetic Diamonds as they gain acceptance in the market.
What exactly are loose synthetic diamonds?
The loose synthetic diamonds are those diamonds which have been man-made or created in laboratories not in mines. As opposed to natural diamonds that took billions of years in formation of these gemstones, they are human processed through innovative technology that mimic formation of the diamond. Therefore loose synthetic diamonds are physically, chemically and optically identical to natural diamonds and without instruments cannot be distinguished from natural diamonds.
Advantages Of Selecting Loose Synthetic Diamonds
1. Ethical Sourcing
An important benefit of buying the loose synthetic diamonds is that they have the correct origin. There is overwhelming information that natural diamonds cause pollution, violations of human rights, and financial conflicts. Consumers can thus make a decision to favor loose synthetic diamonds knowing fully well that their decision cannot in any way support the above mentioned problems.
2. Cost-Effectiveness
Preliminary convenience samples reveal that everyone that was interviewed is aware of synthetic diamonds and loose synthetic diamonds are usually cheaper than natural diamonds. They are man-made hence they have less operational expenses like mining, transporting and hiring employees than natural sand. This means that for the same amount of money a consumer would be able to purchase a bigger or better quality diamond when opting for a loose synthetic diamond.
3. Customization
Unlike natural diamonds, loose synthetic diamonds are purchased in their raw state through the option of their choice. Most of them stock different cuts, sizes, and colors of gems so that the consumers can design one item of their choice. It is also possible at this level of customization more difficult with natural diamonds, because of their availability and scarcity.
How to Buy Melee Wholesale Diamonds
1. Research Reputable Retailers
First of all, while purchasing loose synthetic diamonds, one should be extremely selective with choosing a seller. While searching for an ideal Company, check for firms that deal with the Lab grown diamonds and they have a lot of positive feedback from the clients. Honesty in sourcing and grading is something that you do not want to avoid in order for you to get the best product.
2. Understand the 4 Cs
Like natural diamonds, loose synthetic diamonds are graded based on the 4 Cs: Well they are; it is the cut, the color, the clarity and last the carat weight. This will come in handy if you know the criteria discussed in this article so that you can make the right decisions. For instance an excellent cut diamond will portray light very well, while a diamond with high clarity will have several external features.
3. Certification
It is a good idea to be specific with the loose synthetic diamonds that you buy and make sure that each one has a certification from a well established gemological laboratory. This accreditation ensures the quality of the diamond purchased and as well as its legitimacy as it comes with a GIA tag. Search for accreditations like that of Gemological Institute of America or the International Gemological Institute.
Visions of Realizing Loose Synthetic Diamonds
As more consumers become more sensitive to ethical consumerism the future for synthesized diamonds that are sold in loose forms appears to have promising prospects. The gemstone market is likely to grow even more in the coming years, says various industry specialists. The improvement in technology will probably result in even higher polish grades for the loose synthetic diamonds and make them even more desirable on the market.
In the similar way, as more consumers switch toward Green and Ethical Products, retailers are going to change their portfolios according to the new trends. This might result in more varieties of loose synthetic diamonds in the market thus; satisfying the different tastes and Financial abilities of customers.
In Summary
Synthetic diamonds are known as imitation and fake diamonds can be described as a major advancement in the jewelry world for the customers who are looking for affordable, ethical, and sustainable solutions instead of natural diamonds. When customers know what to expect when they opt for these synthesized stones, they can be able to make good choices based on what they want and believe in. Now that more and more people are able to purchase high-quality loose synthetic diamonds, it can be seen that they are not a whims of the masses, they are the future of the diamond market.