How to Bring Blorbo 25 Hobgoblin Hides -

How to Bring Blorbo 25 Hobgoblin Hides

by Admin

Blorbo the Shrewd needs 25 hobgoblin hides, and it’s your job to get them. This quest isn’t as simple as it sounds. Hobgoblins aren’t easy to find or defeat, and Blorbo himself? Well, he’s not exactly waiting for you in plain sight.

In this guide, I’ll show you where to find hobgoblins, how to beat them, and where to find Blorbo once you’ve got the hides. Stick around—this quest might be tricky, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

Who is Blorbo the Shrewd?

Blorbo isn’t your typical NPC (Non-Player Character). He’s a cunning merchant who trades in rare and valuable goods. You’ll usually find him tucked away in secret spots, only showing up when he needs something valuable, like hobgoblin hides.

But why does Blorbo need 25 hobgoblin hides? Well, they’re rare and hard to get, making them perfect for crafting special armor or trading for other high-value items. Blorbo knows this, so he’s willing to pay well for them.

Where to Find Hobgoblins

You can’t bring Blorbo 25 hobgoblin hides if you can’t find hobgoblins in the first place. These creatures are tough and usually stick together in groups. You’ll find them in the following places:

  1. Forests Taken Over by Goblins: Hobgoblins love these areas. If humans or other races have left the forest, it’s a prime spot to hunt them.
  2. Near Raided Villages: Hobgoblins like to raid, so check for any recent attacks. Follow the trail and you’ll likely run into a group.
  3. Deep in Caves or Ruins: Hobgoblins often hide in dark places like caves or ruined castles. These spots can be dangerous, but they’re full of hobgoblins ready to drop hides.

How to Beat Hobgoblins and Get the Hides

You’ll need a good plan to take down hobgoblins. Here’s what you should do:

  • Bring Strong Weapons: Hobgoblins have thick skins, so light weapons won’t cut it. Use a battle axe, war hammer, or something heavy.
  • Use Crowd Control Spells: If you have a mage or spellcaster, use spells that slow the hobgoblins down. Isolate them and pick them off one at a time.
  • Travel in a Group: Going solo against a group of hobgoblins isn’t the best idea. Bring some teammates, especially a healer.
  • Focus on Critical Hits: Aim for their weak spots—typically the neck or lower back. This will deal the most damage.

Once you defeat them, they’ll drop hides. Each hobgoblin drops one, so you’ll need to take out at least 25 to complete the quest.

How to Find Blorbo the Shrewd

Now that you’ve got the 25 hobgoblin hides, it’s time to deliver them to Blorbo. Finding him might be the trickiest part of this quest. Blorbo moves around, but here are a few places he tends to show up:

  • In the Market District of the Main City: Blorbo often sets up a temporary shop in the city’s bustling market.
  • At Hidden Merchant Camps: You’ll find these camps deep in the wilderness. Keep an eye out for secluded areas.
  • In the Mountains: Blorbo sometimes retreats to the mountains when planning his next big trade. Check the caves there!

Once you find Blorbo, simply hand over the hides. He’ll reward you with rare items, gold, or maybe even a new quest.

Why Does Blorbo Want 25 Hobgoblin Hides?

Blorbo doesn’t choose numbers randomly. In the game’s lore, hobgoblin hides are a rare resource, and getting 25 of them isn’t easy. It shows that you’ve got the skills to take on tough enemies and the patience to hunt them down. Blorbo appreciates that and rewards you accordingly.


bring blorbo the shrewd 25 hobgoblin hides is no small feat, but it’s a quest worth doing. Between tracking down hobgoblins, defeating them in battle, and finally delivering the hides to Blorbo, there’s plenty of adventure to be had. Follow this guide and you’ll complete the quest in no time. Plus, who knows what Blorbo might offer you in return?

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long will it take to collect 25 hobgoblin hides?

It depends on where you hunt. It could take anywhere from an hour to a few days, based on how quickly you find hobgoblins and defeat them.

2. Can I complete this quest alone?

While it’s possible, it’s safer and faster with a group. Hobgoblins often come in packs, so it’s best to have backup.

3. What’s the best weapon to use against hobgoblins?

Heavy weapons like battle axes or war hammers work best. For spellcasters, use high-damage spells or anything that slows down enemies.

4. Do all hobgoblins drop hides?

Yes, every hobgoblin will drop one hide, so you’ll need to defeat 25 of them to complete the quest.

5. What kind of reward will Blorbo give me?

Blorbo typically rewards players with rare items, gold, or even new quests. The reward might vary depending on your level or progress.

6. Can I trade hobgoblin hides with other players?

In some games, yes. Trading might be allowed, but collecting the hides yourself is part of the challenge and fun of the quest!

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